Another promotional image for The Collosal FREAKS!!! This one depicts the reptilian race warrior in his natural environment. These are too much fun and there is a ton of stuff I should be doing instead but oh well. More to come, much more to come.

This is a promotional piece for this concept. The freak in this illustration is one of the elite warriors, looking over the land that he dominates, but for how long? I am currently working on a painted version of this piece so stay tuned. The logo was the creation of Jorge "Parcecles" Lacera. ENJOY!!

This is a concept me and a couple of co-workers came up with for a show that never went up. Anyways I did a whole lotta drawings and a couple of digital paintings which Im displaying in this post. The reptilian with the sword is a member of an underwater clan of freaks and the other blue warrior is from the aristrochatic section of the world, a high ranking warrior with many destructive ablilities. I might update this post with pencil drawings that never made it to photoshop. Hope you like and keep a lookout because there might be a secret surprice to come in relation to this concept.
These are great carlos! Let's see those sketches! By the way, your self portrait up there is hilarious! Remember that drawing of Carlo that you did in you sketchbook long time ago? Well i'd be willing to buy it off you!
HAHA thanks Chris, thought that drawing is priceless and not for sale=)
awesome! texture looks great, love the title man, cracks me up.
yeah parce , awesome stufff, show those damn sketches will ya.
Your stuff is pretty sick!
looks good man, i actually really like the solid black shape in the background.
these are fuckn great man
Love that tatoo design and the textures on that bottom concept.
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