Ok, so I took a break from the portrait series but I still had fun with this one. Mucha was a big inspiration for the type of woman I chose. This is pretty simple but I liked the drawing so I wanted to keep it as much as possible. Check out the story behind this piece at Blogarians, it's a heart breaker. Anyways, I hope you guys like it and feel free to drop me a line.

Ok so heres a version without the diagram. I also darkened the background and added a pattern. Let me know what you guys think. I personally will probably still go for the one with the diagram, but thats just me.
Cool, man! I really like the style you used for the woman. She has a very "pool hustler" feel and look to her...I also really like the geometrical shapes you added, it's a nice subtle touch. Keep 'em coming!
Nice. reminds me of a 'flapper' from the, what...20's?
yes Carlos that is an excellent drawing and its colored the same (love the woman eyes,fa sho) but I question the digram thats placed over the image. Im its important to the narrative but I would love to see the image without it ..just to compare.
Thanks Jake. Yeah the diagram was a last minute addition to the piece, I'll post one with out it just to compare.
My vote's for the diagram. The strong diagonals of the diagram fit well against the soft curves of the shark. It gives her and the piece structure. Holla!
Thank you, and I try to learn from all my experiences!
I think the diagonals are really cool. I was impressed even!
Hi Carlos this is Karim
I Work with Animations & Comics
I liked your Job so
I wanted to leave you my Blogspot
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keep going with your Fine Art!
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