Entrance of the gallery

Sign that the owner of the gallery created for the show

People enjoying the work

Art review from Scene Magazine...click and read. Funny stuff!

We did live painting during the show

Me painting during the second session of the live painting
Cube painting for the transplant show

Saxtons cube painting

Sax and Dave painting.

Artist Dave Savages wall.

Painting titled "Childhood in Waiting"

Detail of panting.

My wall with my ink drawings.

Kids love the Transplant show!

Me and the beautiful Beth Brettell, thank you so much for all your help!

Me and Jorge and Chris Ryniak by my section of the gallery.

Picture of the carousel at the show.
We'll finally I'm Posting pictures from the opening night at the Asterisk Gallery of the Transplant Show. It was a great turnout and very exciting for me. I learned a lot from this experience both bad and good. I won't do another show until the work and I are ready. It was great to hear the peoples reaction of my work and a very special thank you to everyone who showed up. I didn't get a chance to photograph the work because of the rush I was under just to get the show together. I will as soon as I get a chance but for now enjoy these pics. We also got review on the weekly cleveland SCENE magazine. The review was overall good even though the dude called me an evil nazi vampire, but I guess that for my first published art review it could have been worse.